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Welcome to Kelsunn Communications, Inc.

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SUNN Stands For!
Stories Ultimately
Needed Now
I am
the Executive Producer, Creator, and Host of the
"Kelsunn-on-the-Air Social Work Podcast".
This program Promotes, Highlights, and Uplifts the Social Work Profession.
The podcast aims to educate the general public to the undeniably vital contributions Professional Social Workers make in every aspect of our society every day.
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Who are We

Kelsunn Communications is dedicated to telling stories that inspire others. It is our greatest hope that our outreach media efforts will bring people together around the common theme of helping those in need to rise above any challenges they may be facing. We aim to inspire individuals to discover their unique gifts and use them to create a better world for themselves and others!!At Kelsunn Communications we help people see the bright S.U.N.N. by sharing S.tories U.ltimately N.eeded N.ow !!!
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